Bird Tales

  1. Microbialites

    2024-04-28 13:12:37 UTC
    The Great Salt Lake is host to the largest collection of microbialites in the world. Microbialites are piles of organic sedimentary deposits that take hundreds of years to build, and they form the base of the Great Salt Lake ecosystem. The sediment is colonized by Cyanobacteria and algae that feed…

  2. Eared Grebe

    2024-04-06 21:52:05 UTC
    Eared grebes are one of my favorite birds to watch. You can find them clustered in little groups of…who-knows-how-many–they’re impossible to count as they spend a LOT of time swimming around under water. It’s estimated that about 98% of the world’s population of eared grebes is dependent on the Great…

  3. American White Pelican 2

    2024-04-06 21:46:17 UTC
    White pelicans are a sign of spring in Utah. They come here to breed, and stay until fall, after their chicks have fledged. They nest primarily at the Great Salt Lake, but feed elsewhere (Utah Lake, Strawberry Reservoir, etc.) Every single day. Why? Because Great Salt Lake offers protection and…

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